The Bangalore Metro Reporter
1st September 2011 issue-
B. S. Yeddyurappa, the former Chief Minister now stands
fully exposed for what he is. He has become a shining example for corruption
and nepotism and is neck deep in trouble with series of criminal cases filed
against him and investigations under way.
Fearing arrest and
subsequent stay at Parappana Agrahara Jail, Yedurappa is running from pillar to
post to safeguard himself. He has engaged very big
lawyers to bail him out but till now, he has not obtained any relief from the
High Court.
Yedurappa, his
sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, son-in-law and some of his close associates
are facing a series of criminal cases under Prevention of Corruption Act. On
the face of it, these cases are very serious in nature and they can not be
brushed aside as political vendetta. Even though one finds political factors,
it can not be altogether blamed for the mess Yedurappa is in, today. Apparently,
it is his own doing.
After becoming the
Chief Minister of Karnataka in 2008, Yedurappa, in his zeal to make money in
all conceivable means, threw the caution to the winds. He along with his kith
and kin started the process of amassing wealth and there was no stopping. They
floated several benami firms and Trusts to park the money and also entered the
real estate business in a big way. Yedurappa and his family members started
clinching business deals, transfer deals etc. His kith and kin divided the money making business among them and also started
implementing innovative ideas to make mountains of money and its safe keep.
But, after HDK started
their exposure of scams from last September, the downfall began. There was no
respite in exposures and Yedurappa’s image nosedived as a champion of
corruption and nepotism. There were various cases filed against him in High
Court and also with Lokayukta and there was also a petition to sanction his
prosecution. But, Yedurappa being the most powerful man in State successfully
blocked all the probes and proceedings against him.
But, when Lokayukta
Santosh Hegde’s mining report named him as one of the accused, Yedurappa was forced
to resign by the BJP High Command. He however, succeeded to appoint his trust
worthy D.V.Sadananda Gowda as the CM. While his intention could be for his own
protection from future adversaries, it is easier said than done.
apprehends that he and his family will also meet the similar fate as Katta’s if
the law is allowed to take its own course. He is therefore trying means to
safeguard him but as he is no more a CM, he will be treated as an ordinary man
in the eyes of law. One can not expect any ‘special status’ treatment by the courts
in his case. Yedurappa who had ‘blocked’ any semblance of probe into his
multifaceted and multidimensional scams up till now, has to face them squarely
One thing is sure
that Yedurappa has to face the music of law, whether he likes it or not in
spite of having the best legal brains at his command. Though he has a puppet CM
at his back he may have to face trial and jail if not today, tomorrow! Given
the attitude of the judiciary’s aversion in political related corruption cases,
Yedurappa is presently in a hapless position. And there is a moral in the
entire episode. ‘Law will take its course, whether one likes it or not’. And
that is all.
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