The Bangalore Metro Reporter
1st July 2011 issue-
In our last issue we
had published the story about how the Tendering process to Computerize the Sub
Registrar offices were manipulated by the respective concerned and liable
authorities. The terms and conditions were tailor made to suit a particular
bidder named CMS Ltd. and many other prominent bidders who also submitted the
tenders were rejected by simply writing irrational, idiotic and false reasons.
Whatsoever, after the
tenders were submitted and the favourite pre determined bidder selected, the
department went through a historical record. How much could one expect a bidder
to negotiate after he has quoted his rates in the tender? Never in a life one
would have seen, heard or expected but the bidder CMS Ltd. reduced his rates
with a massive margin after its quotation was selected.
The tender was called
for undertaking the work required in the computerization of the Sub Registrar
offices that is scanning the documents admitted for registration by the Sub
Registrar, taking the photo and thumb impression of the parties and printing
the registration details and certificate on the document and then to save the
scanned image of the document in CD from. All
this including the stationary, investment and administrative cost would not
have costed more than Rs. 5/- per document containing an average 10 pages.
However, CMS had quoted massive rates for the same in the tender. It had quoted
mind boggling Rs. 52/- to Rs. 100/- per page for different districts that would
sum up to Rs. 520/- to Rs. 1000/- per document containing an average 10 pages.
Subsequently, if this rate was accepted by the department, the people would
have had to pay Rs. 600 crores in the next five years.
However, after the
receipt and finalization of tender, there were embarrassing moments for the
department officials as they were about to charge excessively high rates from
the public. There was also fear of exposure of reality at any point of time
which would invite the wrath of public and the political condition prevailing
at that time. The department officials then decided to reduce the rates to
certain extents.
To save the face, the
department enacted a drama of calling the company for negotiations. Now, in the
so called negotiations, the CMS Ltd. Company was called and it shockingly reduced
its rates from 50 % to 75% which is unheard in the history of tenders or
contracts. The company which had quoted Rs. 52/- to Rs. 100/- per page in the tender,
surprisingly negotiated the rate at Rs. 30 per page. One could imagine the
amount of manipulation, the quantum of kick-backs etc. with this arrangement
Finally, the rate
fixed for the computerization process of the Sub Registrar office between the
department and the Company was negotiated at flat Rs. 30/- from the quoted Rs.
52/- to Rs. Rs. 100/- per page in the tender. This is perhaps the record
breaking negotiation undertaken by any company. How is it possible for a
company to reduce the rates so massively?
One can easily
understand that the CMS Ltd. had intentionally over quoted in the Tender as it
was the only company that had quoted for the Major Districts due to the tailor
made conditions by the department that would only suit the CMS Ltd. Company.
One can further understand that while CMS Ltd. had quoted between Rs. 52/- to
Rs. 100/- in the Tender, another Company named ECIL, which had submitted Tender
for Minor districts had quoted Rs. 8/- per page for the same work. Eventually,
both ECIL and CMS Ltd. were awarded contacts with ECIL getting contact for
Minor Districts at Rs. 25/- per page and CMS Ltd. begging the contact for Major
Districts at Rs. 30/- per page.
Even these reduced
rates are not a small deal and the contract is now worth 150 crores.
It is time that Government
make a review of the computerization as proposed by the then IGR & CS and
take stock of the on going computerization in the department.
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